Making Friends with AI

AI Hype: Who Is It For?

How the target audience of all that AI buzz is evolving

Cassie Kozyrkov
4 min readApr 27, 2023


Last month, several high-profile generative artificial intelligence launches, most notably GPT-4 and Bard, set social media ablaze with excitement. Each day, more new AI products seem to be popping up like mushrooms. If you’ve been gorging yourself on tech headlines, it’s easy to form an impression like “AI has finally arrived.” You’d be forgiven for thinking that in a matter of mere weeks, humanity has made the leap from science fiction to science fact… yet AI has been with us for years, lurking stealthily in all your favorite online experiences.

AI-generated image created with Midjourney by the author.

But something is undeniably different this time. It’s hard to shake the feeling that there’s a significant technology revolution underway, so let’s go back in time to take a closer look at what sets today’s breakthroughs apart from the AI of previous decades.

One decade ago: 2013–2023

You’ve been interacting with AI for a long time, but if you don’t know where to look, you’re unlikely to have noticed all the AI components you enjoy. If you’ve ever used a Google product, for example, you’ve likely already interacted with AI.



Cassie Kozyrkov
Cassie Kozyrkov

Written by Cassie Kozyrkov

Chief Decision Scientist, Google. ❤️ Stats, ML/AI, data, puns, art, theatre, decision science. All views are my own.

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